Diablo Cycle

Diablo Cycle

100 Bessemer Road Unit #4, London, Ontario, N6E 1R2, Canada

  sales@diablocycle.com     (519) 668-7152

  Monday - Friday 9 AM - 5 PM

Maintenance & Misc

Maintenance parts to keep your motorcycle reliable and safe.

  SKU Product Our Price
AE-M10-BRKSEAL-10 Brake Hose Seals - M10 Rubber & Metal Washers US$10.00
MC20-0006 Fuel Filter .25" - In Line - Chrome US$15.00
MC09-0066 Headlight Chrome Rim - Honda CB750, CB500, CB550, CB450 & GL1000 1969 to 1978 US$24.00
MC29-0054 Honda CB, GL - Master Cylinder Cap US$39.00
Z1PN-0411 Honda CB500, CB550 & CB750 Side Panel Grommet Set US$12.50
MC73-0000 Honda CB500K, CB550K, CB750K & VF750 Chain Adjuster Set US$45.00
MC73-0101 Honda CB750K, CB750C, CB750L & CB650 Chain Adjuster Set US$38.00
MC73-0098 Honda CB750K, CB750F & CB750A Chain Adjuster Set US$38.00
MC15-0016 Magenitic Oil Drain Plug - 12mm - 1.5 thread pitch US$13.99
MC15-0014 Magenitic Oil Drain Plug - 14mm - 1.5 thread pitch US$12.99
MC35-0009 Snap Ring Pliers - Internal - Long Arm for Master Cylinder US$19.50
SC005-110 Air Filter - K&N RC-1070 US$42.45
SB-RC-120 Air Filter - S&B US$17.50
SB-RC-231 Air Filter - S&B US$17.50
Z1PN-0704 Brake Banjo Bolt US$7.75
KL33-1149-1 Brake Bleeder Rubber Cap US$2.50
08-0258 Brake Hose 3/8" Crush Washers US$7.00
MC08-0007 Brake Lever (silver) - Honda - CB & GL Models US$5.99
Z1PN-341-300-CB Carb Air Cleaner Connector Tube Set - Honda CB750 K0 to K6 US$40.25
SC005-897 Carb Holders - Honda CB750 K0 US$89.00
Z1PN-300-030-CB Carb Holders A & B - Honda CB750 K1 to K6 US$85.10
Z1PN-0198 CB750 1971-1976 - Rear Shocks US$193.20
Z1PN-0195 CB750 K1 Rear Shocks US$149.50
MC08-0006 Clutch Lever (silver) - Honda - CB, GL, CL, SL and more US$5.99
SC516-1020 Fork Seals 35 mm X 48 mm X 11 mm US$17.99
SC009-200 Fuel Filter - In Line US$4.50
MCD19-0071 Gear Change Lever - Various CB750, GS & other models US$18.00
MC02-2421 Hand Grip Set - Gran Tourisimo Type US$12.00
KL42-0617 Haynes Repair Manual - Honda CB400 & CB550 Fours US$29.00
Z1PN-0581-CB Honda CB - Brake Hose Upper Front US$27.60