Diablo Cycle

Diablo Cycle

100 Bessemer Road Unit #4, London, Ontario, N6E 1R2, Canada

  sales@diablocycle.com     (519) 668-7152

  Monday - Friday 9 AM - 5 PM

Maintenance & Misc

  SKU Product Our Price
AE-M10-BRKSEAL-10 Brake Hose Seals - M10 Rubber & Metal Washers US$10.00
MC20-0006 Fuel Filter .25" - In Line - Chrome US$15.00
Z1PN-3031 Kawasaki H1 & H2 - Roller Bearing Clutch Pusher US$45.00
Z1PN-0374 Kawasaki H1 Air Filter Element - High Flow US$40.00
SC604-658 Kawasaki H1 Front Brake Cable - Gray US$42.00
SC604-665 Kawasaki H1 Rear Brake Cable - Gray US$34.99
CI-SOK414S Kawasaki H1 Rear Brake Shoes - 1973 - 1975 H1 & 1976 KH500 US$45.00
Z1PN-3341 Kawasaki H2 & H2A Rear Brake Rod with Hardware - Chrome Plated US$41.00
Z1PN-3340 Kawasaki H2 & H2A Rear Brake Rod with Hardware - Zinc Plated US$36.00
RD-S2-TOPEND-SET Kawasaki S1 & S2 - Upper Engine Nut & Washer Set US$15.00
RD-TRIPLE-CARBSET Kawasaki Triples - Carburetor Nut & Washer Set US$4.00
Z1PN-3033 Kawasaki Triples - Clutch Release Assembly US$159.99
PM81-327-1 Kawasaki Z1 Caliper Piston US$30.00
Z1PN-0580 Kawasaki Z1, H2, H1 & Suzuki GT Front Brake Pads US$34.59
MC35-0009 Snap Ring Pliers - Internal - Long Arm for Master Cylinder US$19.50
1157-12V-1B 12V Tail Light Bulb Individual US$1.25
KL23-7900 12V Tail Light Bulbs US$11.00
MC10-1121-10 12V Turn Signal Bulbs US$10.00
SC005-110 Air Filter - K&N RC-1070 US$42.45
MC08-0259 Bleeder Screw Assembly with Cap US$7.50
Z1PN-0704 Brake Banjo Bolt US$7.75
KL33-1149-1 Brake Bleeder Rubber Cap US$2.50
MC35-1086 Brake Caliper Piston Removal Tool US$28.00
08-0258 Brake Hose 3/8" Crush Washers US$7.00
MC56-0038 ES530H x 102 Izumi Chain - Heavy Duty US$69.95
MC56-0039 ES530H x 104 Izumi Chain - Heavy Duty US$69.95
MC56-0040 ES530H x 106 Izumi Chain - Heavy Duty US$69.95
MC56-0041 ES530H x 110 Izumi Chain - Heavy Duty US$72.95
MC56-0042 ES530H x 120 Izumi Chain - Heavy Duty US$79.95
SC009-200 Fuel Filter - In Line US$4.50